A little pure water 101 for those thinking about getting into water fed pole window cleaning.
There are two basic ways to purify your water.
Deionized resin or multi stage filtration.
Each has pros and cons. With few exceptions deionized resin systems (DI) are practical with source water readings of less than 150 parts per million (PPM), also referred to as total dissolved solids (TDS). Above that a multistage system with at least 3 components (carbon filter, reverse osmosis membrane, deionized filter) is a better option in companies planning on high water fed pole use.
DI only
Pros - tap water pressure operation, small footprint, simple set up
Cons - Limited production in high TDS, single pole use only
Multi stage (RO/DI)
Pros - economical at all levels of TDS, multiple pole use from one system, flexibility of using RO only for non architectural glass surface cleaning
Cons - larger footprint, more complicated set up, higher initial investment
This is by no means a comprehensive discussion. It's meant simply to give some idea of factors that will aid in the decision on which set up is right for your business.