PAsoftwash was working in Greensburg, PA 15601 yesterday. This homeowner previously had a different company "Shampoo" his home. That means they used a high pressure power washer to "clean" this roof. In the process they eroded and caused damage to these shingles and also told the customer he would need this treatment every year.
We were happy to tell this homeowner about the difference of non-pressure chemical softwashing to rid this home of ugly black stains. Will he need us to come back and treat his roof again? Allow me to ask you a question: "Did you have to wash your brand new luxury car more than once since you bought it?" "Have you washed your favorite shirt or dress more than once you bought it?" The answer is yes to all these questions. Your roof and home siding, concrete and most other exterior surfaces will get dirty again. However this complete restoration cleaning should last 3-4 years and when he does call us it will be for maintenance cleaning to touch up small "hot spots". Softwashing has become part of the maintenance that needs to be done on our homes to keep them in great shape and to prolong the life of our roof shingles.
Why not call the experts and see what they can do for you? 724-201-9274