Dang,...I have had rocks sneak under my surface cleaner before and clank around for a second or two. But I had one the other day break the yellow Xenoy cover. The stuff is supposed to be really tough,..so I can only imagine how hard the rock had to have hit. Made about an 1 1/2 " crack up the side....
Actually I'm just using it the way it is,.at least for now. The brush band is keeping it all together. I will fix it eventually. Not really hurting anything the way it is. I didn't even notice the crack until I was putting it away. But I do remember the loud "crack" when it happened,..Ha, Ha,..
Hey Maverick good to see ya'! Yea,..I will fix it eventually,....Am hoping to have it plastic welded and didn't want to goop it up with an epoxy.,..yet,..Ha, Ha,...
(Rocks from under mowers can be bad for sure,....My neighbor was mowing some really high grass in a field he owns with a commercial zero turn (He sells them) ,...The mower hit a piece of rebar and it launched it perfectly into his house right beside the door,...it was sticking out like an arrow. Luckily no one was hurt!!