cleaning a roof tomm for a customer and while doing the estimate noticed there cedar siding is in bad shape. The shingles have this white coating on them it almost looks like paint that is wearing off. Is this white rot fungi? It seems to be very heavy under the soffitts in the front and fades as it goes lower. the house faces north (of course)
I did a tiny test spot last week when i was out there. Not sure of the results yet. Would like to be able take care of this for them.
Yeah looks like the shingles are either painted or stained white and then completely covered in funk.
Make sure if there is bare wood anywhere there that they know that is from age and bacteria growth and not from your process before you start.
The fungi is on the natural cedar, anywhere you see white circular shaped areas that make the cedar look a tad lighter is white rot fungi.
I agree with the others,..looks like it was stained 30 years ago and the stain is wore off from the weather where the wood is exposed and the area in the picture is protected allowing the stain to remain. With that said, the remaining stain is still very aged and should be able to be removed with a few light applications of something like Sodium Hydroxide. Use it in a lighter than normal solution,..I'd start with like 4-6 OZ. per gallon and go from there,..remember to get the cedar underneath wet before applying and neutralize afterward.