Dang man,..looking through YouTube videos I see there is ALOT of bad information out there,..So many companies working on green horns selling this and that...I can't believe extension wands are still even a thing,.Ha,Ha,...Watching those videos and seeing the comments tells me there are many, many ignorant people out there...And the cleaners, that are just rebranded chemicals that are to be had for much cheaper in other products,...Sometimes I wish I was willing to scam people,...People in general are there to be taken,....I just can't do that..
I also seen people using something touted as oxidation remover,..(Basically another Butyl based cleaner marketed as something specific),....Anyhow,..someone in the comments section said it wasn't working a 50/50,...and proceeded to ask,..what to do? Damn,..people like that shouldn't be on anyone's property,...I mean seriously,..not even smart enough to realize they need to use it stronger,.....they had to take the time to ask what to do,...SMDH......